Transforming People into Tech Professionals!

Our mission is to help users refine their skills to confidently approach a career in tech.

We are a small team of passionate developers, teachers, mentors, and students. Since the very beginning, we have been dedicated to creating programming resources that are accurate, practical, and easy to understand. Through our interactive and project-driven courses, we strive to sculpt our users into skilled programmers who can confidently take on the job market.

Our Story

We understand that creating textual content on the web to learn programming is not enough. To improve the learning experience of our users, we started Most online tutorials (including our own) can appear as confusing walls of text. We realized that this is a huge hurdle to learning.

So, we decided to mitigate this issue by revamping our courses. Our aim was to create extremely engaging and interactive lessons to make learning real and enjoyable. Our modified, highly curated courses prioritize setting a strong programming foundation while simultaneously building their practical skills through our carefully selected projects and challenges.

Message from our Founder

Punit Jajodia
We've gone from a simple tutorial site to developers of online compilers and mobile learning apps. We now bring you Programiz PRO: a project-driven, highly curated, and fully interactive learning package! Coding is so much easier now!

Punit Jajodia CTO, Programiz

What our Students Say?

  • Aaron Sang
    The platform is wonderful and will continue to be a step above the rest of what's out there right now.

    Aaron Sang USA

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